
An interview with Reg

RE: Your bio on the website suggests that your real name is Giovanni. Do most people call you Gino? Reg: Yes, Gino or Reg is fine. RE: I think you’re […]

An interview with Stella

RE: You’re probably expecting me to bang on about the fact that you’ve won the league’s “wooden spoon” award, the Asti Spumante, so many times. Stella: No, I can’t say […]

An interview with The Rock

RE: Some of the other players that I’ve interviewed have been less than frank in their interviews. I have been asked to see whether you would mind playing “Yes or […]

One day at Winthrop

The fifth round of the 2016 home-and-away season comprised six action-packed games at Piney Lakes Reserve in Winthrop. At the end of the round, the Dirty Three were still camped […]

An interview with SuperMario

RE: So you were drafted from iBocce to GBU and now Motherchucker’s back with you. How does that feel? S&M: First, I was afraid. I was petrified. No, wait – […]

The names, they are a changin’

It goes like this. The Pittsburgh Stealers used to be the GBU. The artists formerly known as iBocce have become the Dirty Three. When the music stopped, the Nomads became […]

Two rounds down

As Easter this year falls on the last Sunday of the month, round two of the AATBL 2016 season was brought forward from its usual time-slot to accommodate those members […]