
An interview with Gonad

An interview with Gonad Digger: How’s the Gonad Institute coming along? Gonad: It’s going from strength to strength. We’re planning a ball. Digger: Annually? Gonad: No, just one ball. Digger: […]

An interview with Banker

An interview with Banker Reg:  So, you and I are back on the same team. We haven’t played together since the Ball Boys lost the 2015 grand final. Let’s hope […]

New teams for 2017

The 2016 AGM saw the implementation of sweeping changes. First, the existing teams went into the blender. The arrangement of six teams with an annual draft was abandoned in favour […]

The Pigs fly again in 2016

What is it about fourth place in the home and away season? Last year, the Jolly Rogers were fourth before the finals and pipped the minor premiers, the Ball Boys, […]

An interview with Motherchucker

RE: I’m told that you recently gained a new member of your household, a rescue dog. Mochu: Yes, a so-called rescue dog. I was expecting one of those St Bernards […]

AATBL takes over Rottnest

Sporting Viking helmets and shields to commemorate the Battle of Svolder, the warriors of the AATBL took over Rottnest Island for the last round of the 2016 home-and-away season. While […]

Arctic conditions on Wireless Hill

The penultimate round of the 2016 home-and-away season was played in sub-zero temperatures on the icy slopes of Wireless Hill in August. Some commentators have suggested that the high proportion […]

An interview with President Barney

RE: Your service to charities is legendary. I’m told that you’ve been helping that French charity Patronnes sans Pensionnaires. What is it about Landladies without Boarders in particular that floats […]

Another trek to the Deep South

Controversy continues to rage about the number of rounds that President Barney has arranged at venues in southern suburbs. The latest of these was the league’s traditional Overweight, Set-In-Our-Ways and Balding, […]

An interview with Big Pineapple

RE: Greetings, Oh Large and Fruity One. Your brow is furrowed. Do I displease you? BP: Sorry. The Olympics are coming up and I’m in training. I’ve been selected again […]