1. The great game is played with balls sold as “La Cods” (previously sold by Happs winery at Dunsborough).
2. The team or player that is lower on the ladder before the game starts throws the jack first. If it’s the beginning of the season, the previous season’s rankings before the finals apply for this purpose.
3. The jack can be repositioned if there is agreement (between at least one player from each team).
4. Unless at least one player on each playing entity agrees, cods are to be thrown from a point, to be identified by the player who tossed the jack (“the launch point”), not more than 2m from the point from which the jack was tossed.
5. The player who tossed the jack may choose to identify a particular launch point, and may mark it, or may choose to not to mark it.
6. When playing a short end, a player may lean forward to drop or toss the ball, but must remain standing after the ball is launched. If the player falls over the launch point after the ball is launched as a result of leaning forward in this way, he forfeits the end three-nil.
7. If, at the completion of an end, a playing entity has only one ball closer to the jack than the other entity does, it scores one point for the end. If it has two balls closer than the other entity, it scores two points. If it has all three closer than the other entity, it scores three points.
8. Except in the grand final, a game is won at the end of an end in which one playing entity’s score reaches seven points.
9. In the grand final (at the end of the season), the winning entity must win by at least two points, so play continues until at least one entity has scored seven points and is at least two points ahead of the other entity at the conclusion of an end.
10. The jack is not to be thrown more than 15 metres, unless all players on both playing entities agree. If a player in the game contends that the end is too long, the distance from throwing point to the jack is to be measured. If the jack is further from the throwing point than the measured 15 metres, the player who disputed the length of the end then throws the jack for the purposes of the end, but the other player then throws first.
11. Players are not obliged to commence an end near the place at which the preceding end finished.
12. During each game, the members of a team must take turns to take shots, one at a time, equally. All members of the team who are present must play in each end. In respect of taking turns, if a player in a team throws first in one end, a teammate should throw first in the next end. However, the next game for a team re-sets the clock. For example, a player who threw first for a team in a game can throw first for the team in its next game.
13. The “mugs away” rule applies. A player of the entity that lost the preceding end in the same game shall throw the jack in the current end (except where specified in guideline 10).
14. The player who throws the jack throws first (except where specified in guideline 10) and players in teams take turns evenly thereafter.
15. If a player throws the wrong-coloured ball and no other ball was touched by the thrown ball, the ball thrown can be substituted for one of the correct colour. If another ball was touched by such a ball, or if for any other reason a substitution cannot be made, the players shall replay the end, unless the consensus of players present is that some other result would be more fair. No player may deliberately throw the wrong ball to take advantage of this rule.
16. A measure should only be called for when there is a serious dispute as to distance from the jack. In the name of good sportsmanship, players are encouraged to concede a disputed point whenever reasonably possible.
17. If an end cannot be resolved by measurement (as may be the case if any ball is buried, or if an obstacle prevents measurement), the end is to be replayed. No player may deliberately throw the ball to an immeasurable position in order to take advantage of this rule.
18. The home and away season is to be scheduled at the beginning of the season. Ordinarily, home and away fixtures are to be held on the last Sunday of each month.
19. The league comprises singletons and teams. Each team comprises two or three players, as determined at the preceding AGM. All players in a team who are present at a game shall play in the game. If one player cannot attend, the remaining player/s must play the game on behalf of the team.
20. A singleton will have one opportunity to play by proxy during the season if he is unavailable. For that occasion, he can nominate and arrange his own chosen external proxy but, if he doesn’t, those players present on the at the commencement of the fixture in question will choose one for him. If a singleton fails to opt in advance to play by proxy and is absent, his result will be a 7-0 loss. Similarly, if he fails to attend on subsequent occasions, a 7-0 loss will be applied.
21. A team must play if one of its players is available. If a team knows that it will be unavailable for a fixture and gives the fixture fixer seven days’ written notice of the team’s unavailability for a fixture, the fixture fixer is permitted to adjust the fixtures (as regards who plays whom and in which rounds) to accommodate the team’s unavailability. Any such adjustments are at the sole discretion of the fixture fixer.
22. If a playing entity is unavailable to field at least one player to play in a scheduled game when the game is due to start, it shall be recorded as a 7-0 loss to the absent entity. If both playing entities in a scheduled game are absent, they shall both score 0-point losses.
23. If a team has an absent player, or more than one absent player, when the game in question is due to start, the present player or players can play for the team. However, if the absent player/s arrive during the game, the other playing entity chooses whether the arriving player/s shall play in the remainder of the game.
24. The finals shall be played on the last Sunday in the month following the home and away season, or on such other date as a majority of members agree.
The playing entities
25. In each year, the league shall have an annual general meeting (“AGM”), after the season has finished.
26. At the AGM, unless other agreement is reached, the teams are varied.
27. The venues for play shall be “chosen” by the president, or by his nominee(s), not later than the beginning of the season.
28. In choosing venues, the president should consider terrain, parking, the availability of toilets, and proximity to members of the league. The president would also do well to remember the whinging that can arise when venues are south of the Swan River.
29. The president will ensure that the venue for each fixture and any other necessary information is made known to the league in sufficient time for necessary arrangements to be made.
30. Whenever possible, play shall be scheduled sufficiently early that play can take place without pressure from fading light.
31. Players should arrange their own affairs so that there is no timing conflict between play and their other commitments.
32. Only one game should be in play at any time, unless all players present agree.