
Another dose of Gonad

Digger: I see that you’ve written on your form that you’re concerned about AI. Are you concerned about robots taking our jobs? Gonad: No, that’s not what I said. I’m […]

Further life tips from Stella

BP: Many people are asking questions [uses air quotes] “in the interests of balance”. In the interests of balance, what do you think of tightrope-walking? Stella: I’m strongly in favour […]

More from Brad

Cannonball vs Brad Cannonball: It seems you’ve had a life of glorious achievement. It says here that you were a blackboard monitor for two years in primary school and that […]

Winter in July

The July round was played in wintry conditions in the park previously known as Lake Claremont or Butler’s Swamp.  Although each team had at least one player present, absent were SuperMario, […]

More wisdom from Reg

Barney vs Reg Barney: You have some impressive academic qualifications. I see that you have a Doctorate in Automotive Finance as a Second Language, a Master’s in Chocolate Milk and a […]

More insights from Big Pineapple

Another interview with Big Pineapple Banker: I’m told you’re a supporter of the activist group People in Favour of a Fair Go for Accountants Who Don’t have the Right Change […]

June round - The world is watching

The league’s June fixture was bursting with excitement. The Circus leapt up the ladder, Serge courted with controversy by wearing a scarf, the absent Pot Shots copped a forfeit, two […]

SuperMario, the Interview II

Another interview with the irrepressible SuperMario Serge: I hear you’re on a special diet this season. S&M: You bet. I’m on the Realistic Paleo Diet. Serge: Realistic paleo? How does […]

Down by the river

On the 80th anniversary of the first vehicular crossing of the Golden Gate Bridge, the AATBL teams gathered on the shores of another noteworthy bay for Round 4 of the 2017 […]