Cannonball’s further thoughts
Reg vs Cannonball Reg: So, some Swede has won a Nobel Prize for coming up with the sport of plogging, which I’m told is so named because it combines picking […]
Reg vs Cannonball Reg: So, some Swede has won a Nobel Prize for coming up with the sport of plogging, which I’m told is so named because it combines picking […]
OK, it didn’t have Barney, Stella or Serge, but round 3, at Lower Bay View Park, otherwise offered a veritable variety show to the spectators and the TV audience. The […]
Although most teams had no difficulty finding their way to the gazetted locus bocci of Perry Lakes for Round 2, Stella’s new technogizmo, the Samsung Kero 1.5, seems to have […]
At the end of the first round of Season 2018, Motherchucker and Banker are enjoying the view from the top of the ladder. “We are the champions and you guys […]
Barney vs Rawalpindi Express Barney: Welcome aboard. RE: As always, it’s a pleasure to be here. I love rural Tasmania. Barney: What? Never mind. I hear you’ve been making bread. […]
Big Pineapple vs Banker Website elves’ note: As you would know by now, Banker has always been an anxious little petal. He worries a lot about what people think of […]
The 2017 AGM saw a frenzy of pragmatic and egalitarian reforms introduced. First, there was the use of the blender to mix up the teams for the new season. The […]
With 2018 now upon us, the players of the AATBL have decided to share their wisdom with you. These are their resolutions for 2018: Reg: I’m going to stop […]
Playing from third position after the home-and-away season, the Big Guns (RE on his own as Stella was busy vacuuming his car) blitzed the field at Mrs Herbert’s Park to […]
The inaugural AATBL car rally on Saturday 14 October 2017 was, if the press is to be believed, a rampaging success. Five teams departed from Clancy’s in City Beach after […]