MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS SEEN AT EG SMITH RESERVE A cluster of lights hovers above the head of Big Pineapple
A cluster of lights hovers above the head of Big Pineapple

Results to end of Round 7


Round 7, played among the swirling ghosts and lingering queasiness of Prix d’Amour in Mosman Park, had it all.

Stormboy continued his revival, even if it was only against Teffles, taking the match 7:5.

SuperMario strode further away from the Asti of 2010 with his season of inspired improxification to gazump ladder-leader BP 8:6.  The Pineapple, visibly shaken by the use of terrain to randomise the result and seize an entertaining victory, pointed out that, once you do that, anyone can win.  It’s amazing that one so bright can be so slow to notice the bleeding obvious.

Shane, still unable to kick-start the robotic shoulder into gear, played by proxy, but had the good grace to turn up to watch.  That’s where all the good grace stopped, though.  He paid little attention to the one game that was played for him and was pleased, and perhaps surprised, to learn that he had beaten the second-placed Serge.

Reg and our pres also played by proxy, but lost to The Banker and The Rock, respectively.

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