Sir Justice Airwick KFC BLT has gone from hero to zero and back again in the space of two seasons. Playing as part of Resurgence in 2018, Serge stood atop the podium after the finals. In 2019, as part of Storm Surge, he took home the Asti. In another dramatic change of fortunes, playing with Big Pineapple in CWA, Serge again went home from the 2020 finals with the Grand Bocce trophy. BP couldn’t be present on the big day, as he was again having his nasal hair tinted. Nevertheless, Sir Justice found form when it mattered most.
The day did not start (or finish) well for Sunshine.

Although Mochu and Buzz Lightbeer started their first game with a two-point advantage over WTF, they managed to lose the game 3-9 and secure a spot in the Asti play-off.

Those Really Incredible Bocce Guys also had a lacklustre start, losing 1-7 to Bad News, thereby slotting themselves neatly into the Asti play-off against Sunshine.

Although Sunshine finished the home-and-away season in fourth place, making them the highest-placed team in the Asti round, their finals appearance was a rather different story and they managed to take out last place convincingly, with a 0-7 shellacking at the hands of TRIBG.

In the final game of the Asti round, there was bad news for RE and Reg, as WTF pipped them 7-6, taking WTF into the Championship round.

In the first game of the Championship round, the ladder-leading Grim Reapers started with a one-point advantage as they took on second-placed CWA. The result was 8-3 in favour of Grim Reapers, so they went straight into the grand final.

In the second championship game, Shock & Awe (Gonad sans Cannonball) used their two-point start to end WTF’s tilt at the flag 7-6.

Although Serge had taken a beating in CWA’s first game, he had found his mojo by the time he took on Shock & Awe and prevailed with a confidence-boosting 8-1 victory on his way into the grand final.

The grand final saw CWA again play the Grim Reapers, but by now Serge was on a roll and he seized the championship with a 7-2 victory.

The adjudicating panel was unanimous in deciding to award the Stolichnaya Trophy for shot of the day to Serge.