As the weather folk had again predicted bad stuff, the locus bocci for round 5 was moved to Manners Hill Park in Peppermint Grove. As seems traditional, the simple act of moving our fixture to a venue with shelter was enough to ensure that the weather was unremarkable – some clouds, some wind and about nine drops of rain.

For the second time this season no team emerged with a nil result in a game. The biggest margin of the day was the CWA’s 7-2 win (Serge flying solo) against the top-of-the-ladder Grim Reapers, all three of whom were present (!).

The Grim Reapers prevailed in their other two games, eclipsing Bad News 7-3, and Sunshine (Buzz without Motherchucker) 8-4.

CWA’s other game saw Serge lose by the narrowest of margins to SuperMario and Stella (this year trading as WTF), 6-7.

On balance, it was a good day for WTF, as it won two games from three starts, and all of its games were close. WTF lost 6-7 to TRIBG (Brad without Barney) and beat Sunshine 9-6. However, the WTF loss to TRIBG was snatched from the jaws of victory, as Brad overcame a 6-0 deficit to eventually have his way. WTF indeed.

Bad News also lost its other game, 5-7, to Shock & Awe. Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of the game was when a golden labrador, Misty, swallowed one of the cods. Although the cod was recovered after a lengthy delay (when Brad somehow persuaded Misty to vomit it up), some commentators suggested that the cod might not have been replaced in exactly the same spot. Reg proposed that Shock & Awe change its name to Chuck & Urrrgh.

Chuck & Urrrgh lost its other game, 4-8 to TRIBG.