The April round saw the league once again upsetting the locals at Jeff Joseph Reserve in Applecross, despite the fact that only three games were played, thanks to a preponderance of forfeits.

Neither Storm Surge nor Superbarney fielded a player. They are the only teams that have not been on the receiving end of the seven points from a forfeit so far this season.

Cannonbra played two actual games, eclipsing Pineapple Express 8-5 and Go Dig Buzz (just Buzz) 7-6. Their other score was 7-0 forfeit bonus from Superbarney, thereby finishing the round in second spot on the ladder by percentage from Mother Reg.

Mother Reg (sans Reg) played one game, beating Bank Tellers (Banker flying solo) 7-6.

Thanks to Storm Surge not fronting, as it were, Pineapple Express, Go Dig Buzz and Bank Tellers all recorded glorious 7-0 victories.

Mother Reg was the other beneficiary of a Superbarney forfeit.