The name of the team comprising Cannonball and Brad – Cannonbra – did trouble a few players in Round 1. It’s actually pretty easy. Think of cobra, zebra or penumbra. In that way, it’s Cannonbra. Brad helpfully says it as a continental exclamation; Cannonbra!
In his post-round interview, Brad said that he hoped the primary school students among us would be able to get over what might seem like a reference to a female undergarment, before he explained that it can be sung to the tune of Down Under and launched into song. “I come from the land Cannonbra, where beer does flow and men chunder!”
In an entertaining opening round of the season, Brad (sans Cannonball) beat Storm Surge 8-5 before taking home a 7-0 forfeit from Bank Tellers.
Although Bank Tellers had done well in their first two games, beating Superbarney 8-4 and whipping Mother Reg 7-0, they decided that two wins for the day was enough, so they left, handing a the 7-0 forfeit to a grateful Cannonbra.
The only bigger loss on the day was the 9-0 defeat of Pineapple Express by Storm Surge.
Although BP and RE lost another game 4-7 to Mother Reg, they did manage one win, eclipsing Go Dig Buzz (Gonad and Buzz without Digger) by a single point.
Go Dig Buzz had an inauspicious season opener, as they also lost their only other game 5-7 to Superbarney.