In one of the league’s epic comeback stories, Resurgence finished as 2018’s minor premiers by half a whisker. Despite being in last place at the end of the season’s first round, RE and Serge managed to pip Mobank, by percentage, to claim top spot heading into the finals.
The final home-and-away round was played at Point Resolution in Dalkeith. All teams were represented except the Stellar Diggers. Stella was occupied elsewhere, trying to rack up his community service hours after the playground incident, and Digger overslept. Ergo, the Stella Diggers gave 7-0 victories to Mario’s Gonads and Resurgence.
Mario’s Gonads other game resulted in a 4-7 loss to a Banker-less Mobank, which won two of its three games, the other victory being a 7-6 win over Dog’s Balls Buzz (The Dog, with no Ball and no Buzz). Mobank’s loss was a 2-7 whipping, at the hands of Reg Barney. Speaking of whippings, the day’s biggest non-forfeit loss was recorded by Resurgence, 1-7, to the cellar-dwelling Dog’s Balls Buzz.
Mario’s Gonads did enough on the day to secure third place, thereby avoiding the Asti play-offs.
BBP played without Brad, who couldn’t make it as he was in the semifinals of his kick-boxing tournament. The large and fruity one defeated Dog’s Balls Buzz 7-5, but lost to Reg Barney 2-9.
What will the finals bring us?