Into the blender again for 2018

The 2017 AGM saw a frenzy of pragmatic and egalitarian reforms introduced.

First, there was the use of the blender to mix up the teams for the new season. 

The second reform was the application of the KISS principle to team names. That is, each team’s name must be a recognisable combination of the names of the two players in the team. 

The teams for Season 2018 are therefore as follows:

Mario + Gonad = Mario’s Gonads

Motherchucker + Banker = Mobank

Brad + Big Pineapple = Big Brad Pineapples

Stella + Digger = Stellar Diggers

Stormin’ Norman Hound Dog Taylor + Cannonball = Dog’s Balls

Reg + Barney = Reg Barney

RE + Serge = Resurgence

As President Buzz Lightbeer was in the US and not at the AGM, he was the only one who was unable to refuse to be nominated for the presidency. He was elected unanimously, after which there was uproarious applause and some, albeit not widespread, dancing in the streets. Interviewed after the election, he suggested that this was a victory for the true believers.

“This was a victory for the true believers”, he said.  

Asked why the published photos of him on the web are so dark, he replied, “I’m told I look better with the lights off.”