There was a record low attendance at the AATBL’s August fixture. The round was played in sunny conditions at Cliff Sadlier VC Memorial Park in Daglish, the site of the league’s first fixture, late last century.
The Nomads and Heaven’s Door both copped 7:0 forfeits for not fielding a player. The only team to field both of its players was Shibumi. The Circus, Pot Shots and Big Guns all fielded only one player. As four games were forfeited, only three games were played.
The only playing team that didn’t benefit from the forfeit bonanza was the Big Guns (RE sans Stella). RE beat lone Drone Barney 9:2, but let go of a 4:0 start to lose 4:7 to the Circus (the cock-a-hoop Mochu without Brad).
In the round’s only other game played, the last-placed Pot Shots (Digger flying solo because S&M was at macrame classes) held on to win 8:6 over Shibumi.
The next round will see who gets the coveted minor premiership and which four teams will play off for the Asti.