August 2017

Seven rounds down

There was a record low attendance at the AATBL’s August fixture. The round was played in sunny conditions  at Cliff Sadlier VC Memorial Park in Daglish, the site of the […]

Another dose of Gonad

Digger: I see that you’ve written on your form that you’re concerned about AI. Are you concerned about robots taking our jobs? Gonad: No, that’s not what I said. I’m […]

Further life tips from Stella

BP: Many people are asking questions [uses air quotes] “in the interests of balance”. In the interests of balance, what do you think of tightrope-walking? Stella: I’m strongly in favour […]

More from Brad

Cannonball vs Brad Cannonball: It seems you’ve had a life of glorious achievement. It says here that you were a blackboard monitor for two years in primary school and that […]