The league’s June fixture was bursting with excitement. The Circus leapt up the ladder, Serge courted with controversy by wearing a scarf, the absent Pot Shots copped a forfeit, two members of the French press took notes and both members of Shibumi actually turned up.
Serial tag-teamers Reg and Banker might find themselves reconsidering whether to do the honourable thing in future by both being present, because together they managed to lose two of their three games. Although they eclipsed the lacklustre Big Guns 8:4, they capitulated 1:7 to the resurgent Circus and lost by a whisker to Heaven’s Door, 6:7.
Fortunately for the Big Guns, their other opponents, the Pot Shots, took the day off, thereby handing them a 7:0 forfeit.
On the subject of unflattering scores, so far this season the Big Guns are the only outfit to have lost without scoring while actually playing. That was a 0:7 whipping by the Circus in April. All the other nil results have been forfeits.
Back to June. Heaven’s door won both its games, the other being a 7:3 win against the Nomads (Gonad, sans SNHDT). Gonad managed to defeat the Drones, 7:4, keeping the the top rung of the ladder firmly in the Nomads’ grip. The Drones’ other score was a 7:0 forfeit, courtesy of Messrs Digger and SuperMario and whatever the hell they were doing.
The remaining forfeit largesse accrued to the benefit of the Circus, which, with the victory over Shibumi described above, has now bubbled up to second place after an underwhelming start to the season.